Australian tertiary courses are divided between two sectors: Vocational Education and Training (VET) and higher education. If you’re unsure about which one is best for you, we’ve simplified the process for you in the following points:
• Difference between VET and higher education:
VET courses include certificates I to IV, diplomas and advanced diplomas. These are lower-level qualifications than those offered in the higher education sector, which include bachelor degrees, graduate certificates, graduate diplomas, masters degrees and doctoral degrees. VET study provides graduates with the practical skills they need for certain industries and roles. Courses in the higher education sector tend to have more of an academic focus, although many degrees have a vocational focus, like those in the fields of agriculture and design
• What to study to enter your chosen career:
Before selecting your course, make sure that it give you a way to enter your preferred occupation. Make sure that the VET sector provides lower-level qualifications that will prepare you for practical occupations such as skilled trades like plumbing and carpentry, and supporting roles in fields such as administration and health services. There are, however, some professions that require graduates to hold a degree from the higher education sector in order to gain professional registration and practise in the field, like architecture, dentistry and law and medicine. A lot of occupations do not require higher education study, even though students often choose to take up further education in order to improve their job prospects.
• Where to study your chosen courses:
Vocational education and training courses are offered by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), which may include government-owned TAFE institutes, private colleges and industry associations. Higher education courses have traditionally been offered by universities, but can also be studied at many private providers and TAFE institutes. Quite a few Australian universities have dual-sector status, which means that they offer both VET and higher education courses. You must also know that there are some degrees, like medicine for example, that can only be studied at universities.
• Options for qualification progression:
If you are looking at working your way up the qualifications ladder, there are many pathways from the VET sector into higher education programs. You may want to opt for this if you want to start out with a lower-level qualification in order to get accustomed to the Australian education system or if you want to try out a field of study with a shorter VET course before beginning a lengthy degree. You may be eligible for credit through your institution’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) scheme, but check to be sure.